



2 weeks ago I reported that they were planning to kill him and make it look like natural causes. THE STAGE IS BEING SET FOR THAT NOW!

The President is currently in significantly worse condition than is being disclosed publicly (Per Laura Loomer) and has canceled 9 trips scheduled over the next two weeks.

‼️PREPARE FOR PHASE 2‼️ Kamala Harris is behind Trump in the polls right now. However, if they can install her in the Oval Office before November, they believe she will win as a sitting President. Then it’s time for the final blow! A law allowing illegal immigrants to vote will be passed… making it impossible for any other party to win again for decades. An era of communism and corrupt one-party control like never seen before will grip the United States. Millions more third-world immigrants will flood the country, making it look a lot more like Africa than the country we grew up in.

Unfortunately for Joe, there is no guarantee what they are about to do to him will be quick, or even painless.

3 options are being considered:

1- Inject him with poison that makes it look like a heart attack. He will suffer a quick death in this scenario, but it will be excruciatingly painful.

2- Infect him with a lab-engineered virus that has a near 100% fatality rate and blame it on Covid. This approach is by far the most brutal, as he will struggle for an extended time while experiencing an extremely uncomfortable death.

3- Suffocation using a medical device, such as a breathing tube. This is highly deceptive as it can appear indistinguishable from dying due to old age. A truly terrifying way to go!

Google searches for “Is Joe Biden Dead” are spiking because people are starting to catch on to what is really happening.

50 years of loyalty to a party… only to be discarded in a ditch like trash. Do not underestimate how desperate and evil these psychopaths really are!

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