


Define the term “human rights violation” and state TWO factors that could contribute to acts of human rights violation in households.

Define the term “human rights violation” and state TWO factors that could contribute to acts of human rights violation in households.

Human rights violation refers to any action that deprives an individual or a group of people of their basic human rights. Human rights violations can occur in various forms, including discrimination, abuse, neglect, torture, and denial of essential needs.

Two factors that could contribute to acts of human rights violation in households are:

  • Lack of education and awareness: Many individuals may not be aware of what human rights are or how to identify when their rights are being violated. This lack of education and awareness can make them vulnerable to being victimized and allow human rights violations to occur.

  • Power imbalances: In households where there is a power imbalance, such as between parents and children, spouses, or caregivers and vulnerable persons, there is a higher risk of human rights violations occurring. For example, an abusive parent may use their power to control and harm their children, or a caregiver may exploit and neglect an elderly person who is dependent on them.

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