


Outline any four requirements of nsfas bursary

Outline any four requirements of nsfas bursary

NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) is a South African government-funded financial aid scheme that provides bursaries to eligible students who are unable to afford the full cost of their tertiary education. Here are four requirements for NSFAS bursary:

1 Financial need: NSFAS provides financial assistance to students who come from families with a combined annual income of up to R350,000. Students who demonstrate financial need and cannot afford to pay for their education are eligible to apply for the bursary.

2. Academic performance: Students who wish to apply for the NSFAS bursary must have achieved a minimum academic requirement, which varies depending on the level of study. For example, for a first-time entering student, they must have a matriculation certificate with a minimum of 50% for four or five of their best subjects.

3. South African citizenship: Applicants for the NSFAS bursary must be South African citizens or permanent residents who are currently studying or planning to study at a public university or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in South Africa.

4. Compliance with application deadline: Students must submit their NSFAS bursary application before the closing date. Late applications are not considered, so it's important to check the application deadlines and submit your application well before the deadline.


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